S.K.I.L.L. Special Force 2 Wiki

Hey there, it's P5ykoOHD !!

So what has become of me since I last set foot in this Wikia ?

Well, not much other than since my 1 year haitus from Gaming (so also S.K.I.L.L. SF2) I have solved some of my irl problems that lead me to going on that break, as well as I am no longer a Teamler in SF2 (previously Game Admin & Board Admin).

But all good things come to an end, and I had planned on leaving the team before I stopped gaming ...

That is I am now back, worse than ever (aim wise xD) but slowing getting back to my former glory.

Seeing as I am back to playing S.K.I.L.L. SF2, I have hencforth decided to hop back onto the wikia, and get stuff rolling again. May I go as far as saying that Gameforge has not been so kind on me since I left, seeing all the new content that has been brought to the game in my absence (and all the cool stuff I missed) I realize I now have even more work to do on the wikia than ever before !!

So, slowly but surely, you should be seeing new content on here, as well as updated content.

Best wishes to all, and I am happy to be back.