New Admins !!
I'd just like to welcome the two new Admins on this Wikia !!
- Chire
- Aoi
Wish them best of luck, as there is a lot of work to do ^^
Welcome back to S.K.I.L.L. !!
Hey there, it's P5ykoOHD !!
So what has become of me since I last set foot in this Wikia ?
Well, not much other than since my 1 year haitus from Gaming (so also S.K.I.L.L. SF2) I have solved some of my irl problems that lead me to going on that break, as well as I am no longer a Teamler in SF2 (previously Game Admin & Board Admin).
But all good things come to an end, and I had planned on leaving the team before I stopped gaming ...
That is I am now back, worse than ever (aim wise xD) but slowing getting back to my former glory.
Seeing as I am back to playing S.K.I.L.L. SF2, I have hencforth decided to hop back onto the wikia, and get stuff rolling again. May I go as far as saying that Gameforge has not been so kind on me since I left, seeing al…